От Mike Ответить на сообщение
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Дата 07.09.2011 01:27:32 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Флот; Евреи и Израиль; Версия для печати

Re: Ну дык...

>А все остальное фигня на постном масле.

Комиссия так не полагает, причём антиизральского настроя у неё не было.

В общем, посокрушавшись, комиссия рекомендовала сторонам успокоиться и помириться

The Panel recommends that:
. An appropriate statement of regret should be made by Israel in respect of the incident in light of its consequences.
.Israel should offer payment for the benefit of the deceased and injured victims and their families, to be administered by the two governments through a joint trust fund of a sufficient amount to be decided by them.
.Turkey and Israel should resume full diplomatic relations, repairing their relationship in the interests of stability in the Middle East and international peace and security. The establishment of a political roundtable as a forum for exchanging views could assist to this end.

а заодно и позаботиться о нуждах угнетенных обитателей Газы

Israel should continue with its efforts to ease its restrictions on movement of goods and persons to and from Gaza with a view to lifting its closure and to alleviate the unsustainable humanitarian and economic situation of the civilian population. These steps should be taken in accordance with Security Council resolution 1860, all aspects of which should be implemented.

С уважением, Mike.