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Дата 22.06.2005 19:06:18 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; 11-19 век; Загадки; Версия для печати

Re: Надежда Дурова

>Приветствую непременно!

>>Надежда Дурова перед тем как попасть в Гусарскую Балладу служила именно в полку Польскиx Улан, который, вестимо, в состав Наполеоновскиx полчищ не вxодил, а наоборот.
>С точностью до наоборот.
>Сначала она служила в Александрийском гусарском, а потом (потому что форма гусарская оказалась слишком для нее дорогой), перешла в Литовский уланский полк. В 1812 она служила в Литовском уланском

Nadezhda Durova: Cavalry Maiden in the Tsar's Service

Nadezhda Durova served gallantly in the Russian cavalry--then embarked on a literary career.
By Victor Kamenir

The year was 1807. Napoleon and his Grande Armée, having defeated the vaunted Prussian army the year before, was on the move again, and the Russian army was marching west to meet him. Among the multitude of Russian units was the Polish Lancer Regiment, whose recruiting parties rode alongside its line of march, trying to fill vacancies in its ranks. One rainy night in March a young man presented himself to one of those parties and politely asked to join the regiment. His only answer to the captain's questions about his background was that he was a Russian nobleman who left his family to join the military in spite of its disapproval. The volunteer, who called himself Aleksandr Sokolov, enlisted as a "gentleman-ranker." Nobody suspected that this slim, dark-eyed man was, in fact, a young woman named Nadezhda A. Durova.

>Илья Кудряшов == http://genstab.ru