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Дата 01.03.2013 15:45:39 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Современность; Память; Версия для печати

Re: В любой...

>в качестве примера как изучают ВМВ в английских школах в возрасте 11-14 лет:

> http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/history/20th_century/second_world_war/revision/2/

Там им Суворов тескт писал?The Soviets enter the war

"For a long time, Soviet historians presented a view of Russia's war which explained Nazi successes in 1941 in terms of Hitler's surprise attack and better weapons.
After 1989, historians were able to access Russian records and found out that:
Stalin intended to invade Germany in 1941 – but Hitler beat him to it by two weeks.
The Soviet army was well-prepared and well-armed. It was defeated because it had been weakened by Stalin, who had executed many of the generals.*
Т.е. русские хотели вторгнуться, да Гитлер упредил.
Красная Армия была хорошо вооружена и готова, а Сталин всех расстрелял.

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