От Роман Алымов
К А.Никольский
Дата 06.03.2013 16:44:26
Рубрики Армия;

Действительно хранилища почти на границе? (+)

Доброе время суток!
Declassified U.S. intelligence reports have identified three large nuclear storage facilities near Europe, including one that is located miles from the intersection of the Rusisan, Latvian, and Belarusian borders. Two other nuclear storage complexes close to Europe are located at Zhukovka, near Belarus, and at Golovchino, near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.

Похоже, кто-то прочитал СВАНа:
Gerasimov said the 98th Air-Assault Division at Ivanovo and the 4th Air Forces and Air Defense Command near Rostov performed well.
The troops were transported in IL-76 jets to an area near Chelyabinsk, which has large nuclear facilities, in difficult weather conditions.
С уважением, Роман

От C00Lib1N
К Роман Алымов (06.03.2013 16:44:26)
Дата 06.03.2013 17:10:19

Re: Действительно хранилища...

>Доброе время суток!
>Declassified U.S. intelligence reports have identified three large nuclear storage facilities near Europe, including one that is located miles from the intersection of the Rusisan, Latvian, and Belarusian borders. Two other nuclear storage complexes close to Europe are located at Zhukovka, near Belarus, and at Golovchino, near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.

Жуковка около Беларуси, это не Брянская ли часом? Но там "рядом" только Сеща, и даже военных частей вроде как нет.

К C00Lib1N (06.03.2013 17:10:19)
Дата 07.03.2013 01:04:36

Себеж-5, менее 10 км от точки схожения границ LV, BE и RU

Привет всем



От Константин Федченко
К ZULU (07.03.2013 01:04:36)
Дата 07.03.2013 01:23:34

вывезли всё оттуда ещё в 1997м.



С уважением