От Nikolaus Ответить на сообщение
К Андрей Диков Ответить по почте
Дата 06.10.2003 20:38:15 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 1936-1945 гг.; Версия для печати

Финские цифры - без комментариев

In the Continuation War against the Soviet Union Finland had fought back and preserved her independance.
The Finnish Forces had destroyed 2800 Soviet aircraft, the flying units thereof 1600 and the AAA 1030, the rest being shared by the naval units, observed crashes or were destroyed on the ground.
215 aircraft were lost on operations and another 208 war planes non-operationally. In training a further 100 were destroyed. 281 airmen were killed or missing in action and another 83 lost their lives in flying accidents.

K.Keskinen, K.Stenman Finnish Air Force in colour

Набил самостоятельно, потому никакой ссылки :)

Обратите внимание на такой же высокий процент небоевых потерь, как и в советских ВВС.