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Дата 25.09.2009 13:23:48 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Евреи и Израиль; Политек; Версия для печати

Ларри Нивен тоже претендует

Дескать, обанкротили мы СССР с помощью плана, разработанного в моем доме с Jerry Pournell'ом. Который насоветовал Рейгану начать то, что позже назвали "Звездными войнами" или СОИ, которая, собственно, и обанкротила СССР.

The Soviet Union was driven bankrupt by a plan evolved at my house in Tarzana, with Jerry Pournelle in charge. We called ourselves the Citizens' Advisory Council for a National Space Policy. When it seemed apparent that Ronald Reagan was going to be president, it also seemed apparent that his science advisor was going to be Jerry Pournelle's top student. On that basis, we'd have access to the president. Jerry borrowed our house and threw a weekend that eventually became six weekends over about 10 years, during the first few of which we evolved what came to be called Star Wars, although the preferred title was the Strategic Defense Initiative. For a while, I believed they hadn't built anything to back up the SDI; they just talked about it and evolved it as a plan of action. On that basis, the Soviet Union was taken down by a science fiction story written at Larry Niven's house! Which was wonderful.


P.S. А вот мир кольца жалко.