От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
К Chestnut
Дата 14.03.2013 22:16:45 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Флот; Политек; Версия для печати

Я так понял, вчерашний студент-политолог пытается опровергнуть выводы Коллинза

Mr. Collins is a research fellow in the China Maritime Studies Institute who focuses on energy and shipbuilding. He is a 2005 honors graduate of Princeton University (AB, politics) and is proficient in Mandarin and Russian. Professor Murray spent twenty years in the U.S. submarine service and qualified to command nuclear-powered submarines. A founder of the Naval War College's China Maritime Studies Institute, his research focuses on China's naval and maritime development.

Naval War College Review 61/2 (Spring 2008),
Статья "No oil for the lamps of China?"

Выводы статьи:

"The primary conclusion of this article's examination of blockade scenarios, then, is that, contrary to what appears to pass for conventional wisdom among naval analysts and observers in the PRC, China is not fundamentally vulnerable to a maritime energy blockade in circumstances other than global war. (35) This view has far-reaching implications. For one, it suggests that China does not need to build up naval capacity for the purpose of defending energy SLOCs against potentially hostile naval forces."
