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Дата 15.02.2016 00:11:59 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; ВВС; Версия для печати

интересный вопрос, спасибо

вот ветка


вот ответы, поясняющие суть

"Trouble had been experienced on FAW.1 aircraft with rain and sea-spray affecting vision through the windscreen. This was rectified on the FAW.2 by the fitting of a deflector ahead of the screen which channeled water aft on the port side beyond the rear of the cockpit canopy"

The rain removal system was fitted retro, and as stated was basically just bolted externally then faired over, the warm air is supplied by both engines. The splitter plate was added so that at higher speeds the air was not required, as this plate diverted the air around the windscreen. initially without this plate many screens cracked because of the air temp caused many temp differences at varying altitudes and speeds. Just another bit of stick it on and see what it does.

Короче, они для обдува козырька на больших скоростях организовали еще одну точку торможения, чтобы начался новый пограничный слой и пошел вверх на козырек. Чисто английский по стилю подход.

Под обтекателем трубы подачи воздуха


Завтра на работе помучаю мужиков - зачем такая фиговина нужна :)))

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