От park~er
К All
Дата 15.11.2013 09:08:54
Рубрики Современность; ВВС;

Про наши ударные беспилотники


Это правда? Летают?

От Александр Стукалин
К park~er (15.11.2013 09:08:54)
Дата 15.11.2013 09:47:47

Re: Про наши...


>Это правда? Летают?

"...Recent analysis of images of the propeller-driven aircraft indicates the drone will be a medium or high-altitude strike aircraft, based on its long wingspan and V-shaped tail, the officials said.
The aircraft appears similar to the U.S. MQ-9 Reaper missile-firing UAV.
The aircraft was disclosed in photographs during a February visit to Tatarstan by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu.
Photographs showed Shoygu standing next to a model of the new combat drone. The images later were removed from the Internet after publication, an indication the program remains one of Russia’s secret military programs...".

Ну, может февральские фото с Шойгу и "removed", но три недели тому назад туда ДОРогозин moved, и ему опять все то же самое показали: