От Captain Africa Ответить на сообщение
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Дата 11.09.2004 12:59:54 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Спецслужбы; Версия для печати

"Русские солдаты бежали когда началась стрельба"

Американская машина пропаганды на марше. ABCNEWS.com:

"Russian soldiers fled as shooting broke out in the spasm of violence that ended the school siege here, and unprepared special forces were forced to borrow bullets from armed locals who had rushed to the scene."

"Locals handed their clips of ammunition to elite troops who didn't have enough bullets, Robert said. "They weren't ready.""

"Gena, an Interior Ministry warrant officer from a nearby region who wasn't involved in the battle, said it appeared authorities had no plans for what to do when mayhem broke out. Visiting the school Friday, he said troops should have taken the children away from the school before returning fire."

Последний пассаж особенно впечетляет. Они должны были вначале забрать детей из школы и только потом открыть ответный огонь...
