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К Николай Поникаров Ответить по почте
Дата 13.05.2016 10:54:04 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 11-19 век; Флот; Версия для печати

Самое смешное - от цинги умирали и в 20-м веке


Robert Falcon Scott’s 1903 and 1911 expeditions were both struck with
the disease. His description: “The symptoms of scurvy do not necessarily
occur in a regular order, but generally the first sign is an inflamed,
swollen condition of the gums. The whitish pink tinge next the teeth is
replaced by an angry red; as the disease gains ground the gums become
more spongy and turn to a purplish colour, the teeth become loose and
the gums sore. Spots appear on the legs, and pain is felt in old wounds
and bruises; later, from a slight oedema, the legs, and then the arms,
swell to a great size and become blackened behind the joints. After this
the patient is soon incapacitated, and the last horrible stages of the
disease set in, from which death is a merciful release.“

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