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Дата 04.01.2020 01:47:01 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

Re: эсеры называли...

>Это Вы забавный - ну сколько можно транслировать известный фейк?
> https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/john-mccain-meets-isis-leader/

Что мешает назвать сейчас этого неназываемого командира бригады? Может потому что он всё-таки оказался в ИГИЛ

The group's former leader Ammar Ibrahim Dadikhi was severely wounded in the middle of January 2013, during the siege of Menagh Air Base, which resulted in him losing one of his legs and eventually his life.

He was succeeded by the group's former political leader, Samir Amouri. Two senior commanders (Hadi Salo and Samir Akkash) were also killed in this period, while
other members of the group defected to Islamic rebel formations.