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К Begletz
Дата 25.08.2020 18:16:23 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Версия для печати

Да вроде тут и понимать нечего.

>Там же говорится, что "Under the proposed guarantee on the other hand... If Germany attacked France, the whole of the resources of the British Empire would be available to support France." Формулировка "все ресурсы Британской Империи" может включать оправку ЭК на континент, а может и не включать.

"Our military policy would remain uneffected; and we should only provide the military forces required for the needs of the British Empire. If Germany attacked France, the whole of the resources of the British Empire would be available to support France."

Главное - "military forces required for the needs of the British Empire".
Так как для нужд Британской Империи требовались отдельные пехотные батальоны и кавполки, в 1934 Англия могла сформировать в течении 6 месяцев только символический экспедиционный корпус в размере 4 пехотных и одной кавалерийской дивизии, который можно было использовать в Бельгии и Голландии. Министерство иностранных дел считало посылку корпуса желательным, для исключения обвинений, что Англия готова воевать "до последнего французского солдата". Но это не армия Китченера, как в ПМВ.


5th March, 1934.

25. The most important deficiency, however, for the emergency in question,
so far as the Army is concerned, lies in the expeditionary force. Our present
resources do not permit us to aim at anything better than to place in the field
single divisions in each of the first two months of a war, a third at the end of the
fourth month and the remaining two divisions at the end of the sixth month. This
is the big deficiency in the Army which it is necessary to make good, if this country
is to be in a position to co-operate with others in securing the independence of the
Low Countries. For centuries this has been regarded as vital to our safety, and
it is certainly not less true to-day in view of developments in modern armaments.
We have fought at regular intervals on the Continent in order to prevent any
Power, strong or potentially strong at sea, from obtaining bases on the Dutch
and Belgian coasts.