От realswat
К Begletz
Дата 02.03.2017 09:39:57
Рубрики WWI; Флот;

А Вы уверены в том, что Ваши посылки верны?

>Если, допустим, начало ПМВ откладывается на 5, 10...лет? Экономика мощнее, людские резервы больше.

Вот что пишут современные авторы: By 1914 the Anglo-German naval arms race was effectively over. Tirpitz had run out of political and financial credit. Even the kaiser started paying more attention to his neglected army. In Britain the budget was still balanced, social expenditure was growing almost as fast as naval expenditure, and there was no sign that the limits of British wealth or resolve to maintain naval supremacy had been tested. Constitutionally, financially, and industrially, Britain had shown the strength and flexibility that Germany lacked.

От Begletz
К realswat (02.03.2017 09:39:57)
Дата 02.03.2017 16:42:10

"За двумя зайцами" это называется (-)