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К Oleh Nemchinov Ответить по почте
Дата 06.09.2005 21:06:03 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 1941; Версия для печати

Re: Смоленский котел...

Приветствую !

>Спасибо за высокую оценку моих интелектуальных способностей. Я конечно предварительно посмотрел сайт РККА:)

редкий случай :-)
(я в смысле что обычно спрашивают, а потом смотрят :-))

>Меня интересуют боевые действия в которых принимала дивизия, возможные воспоминания участников боёв

Очень кратко вот:
The 46th Rifle Division had been in the 16th Army in the Transbaikal since that army was formed in July 1940. On 22 June 1941 the division was actually on trains, moving with the rest of the 16th Army from the Transbaikal to the areas of Vinnitsa and Berdichev in the Kiev Special Military District. The entire 32nd Rifle Corps, including the 46th Division, was rerouted to the north between 27 June and early July, and arrived in the Smolensk area by 5 July. There it became involved in heavy fighting in the city of Smolensk against German mobile units, including the 29th Motorized Infantry Division and the 7th Panzer Division. The latter unit attacked the 46th on 15 July while the rifle division was trying to hold the extreme right flank of 16th Army north of Smolensk. By the end of July the division headquarters was actually controlling rifle regiments from the 38th, 129th, and 152nd Rifle Divisions in the confused fighting around Smolensk, and by the end of the first week in August the division was dissolved, most of the remnants going to reinforce other rifle units in 16th Army. The last of the division headquarters and staff was officially disbanded on 27 August 1941, about three weeks after it had ceased to have any actual combat elements.

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