От Mirek Wawrzynski Ответить на сообщение
К Сергей
Дата 27.08.2004 21:35:00 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Версия для печати

Re: Thanks, for additional info.

OK now we have more light in the darkness of the past, :-)
ad.2 All depends how you define border zone (only up to 30-40 km or futher 200-300 km). So this is clear, Orsha was on the Soviet territory quite far away form the border
ad.3 Ok you are right but during writing memoresi some of the writers had used archiv data (for example Skripko or Zacharov) this is clear when you read both memories. Both were supported by the archive data. I know what is the problem with the realibility with the memories. When you do not write the same day an event after one week il lools different and afret 30-40 years this is somenthing other. This is obvious.
ad.3. There was in April 1941 at last one S.79 which had escaped form Yugoslavia and landed in Soviet Unin. Anyway it also could happend 30 III 41 such a "jump" to Soviet. I was curius about this date. In Pokryszkin memories there is written about this or similar case with VVKJ bomber escaping form Yugoslavia during the April war.
4. Thanks for next data with this Do 17 E-3. Both flying pencil were from training schools Warsaw nd Torun
P.S. А зачем несколько раз повторять про "оккупированную территорию"? Без этого жить не можете?
I can live and do it but from 17 IX 1939 up to the end of June 1941 hundreds of tausends Polish citisens where killed, mordered by Soviet or Russian ocupation forces. As you know in Polish town Zakopane was in December 1939 a meeting/ conference between Gestapo an NKWD members. The main objective of this cooperation was to create united policy agains Polish undegroud movoments. Russian as a very tighttly allied to Hitle had great succes and influence in destroying all Polish independent movemnts and our patriots. There were two main zones of Poland occupation (German and Russian. As you know on Spetember 1939 was the IV partition of Poland.
History does not like any lieas. Russian were not friendly towards Poles, they behave much more worse the bandits German before 22 VI 1941.
Such a history and such a true. This is not nice for Russian, who like to see themselves as a osvoboditele, but not as a occupation and mordering forces of Poles.
As a Pole I see it as I see. We fought (also my family) agains German and also agains Soviet occupation.
You do not changed history even if you bad to wirte about it, this is not nice true for Russian, who escaping form it seeing only Wielika Oteczestwienana Wajna and nothing before it. Such a stange lack of memory, or selected memory. For plent Russian history of WW II begin on 22 VI 1941 for Poles it started on 1 IX 39 and on 17 IX 39 invasion form the East.
