От Павел Войлов
К Enrique
Дата 03.11.2020 21:54:35
Рубрики 1941;

Re: Помощь с...


Are you interested in some specific date? Because the organization (and especially quantities) were changing during the war.

Anyway, lower level formations (existing throughout the whole WW2) were:
- Звено / Flight consisting of several planes (usually 3, 4 or 5) = equivalent to Flight in RAF/USAF or to Schwarm/Kette in LW
- Авиаотряд / Air Detachment consisting of several Flights (usually 2-3) or several planes = same as Flight above
- Эскадрилья / Squadron consisting of several Flights (usually 3-4) = equivalent to Squadron in RAF/USAF or to Staffel in LW
- Авиаполк / Air Regiment consisting of several Squadrons (2-5 depending of the year and of the Regiment type) = equivalent to Air Wing in RAF, to Air Group in USAF or to Gruppe in LW

Higher level formations (availability varied during the war):
- Авиабригада / Air Brigade consisting of several Squadrons (before 1938-1939) or Regiments (since 1939) = before 1938-1939 same as Regiment above, since 1939 same as Division below
- Авиагруппа / Air Group consisting of several Regiments and/or Squadrons = same as Brigade above or Division below
- Авиадивизия / Air Division consisting of several Regiments = roughly equivalent to Air Group in RAF, to Air Wing in USAF or to Geschwader in LW
- Авиакорпус / Air Corps consisting of several Divisions = roughly equivalent to Fliegerkorps in LW
- Воздушная Армия / Air Army consisting of several Corps and/or several Divisions = roughly equivalent to Air Force (numbered) in USAF or to Luftflotte in LW

However, actual numbers of planes available to these units varied greatly during the war due to the losses and reorganizations.
For example, by Summer 1941 an Air Division may have as many as 300-350 planes, because Squadrons and Regiments were big in size.
But one year later, by Autumn 1942, an Air Army consisting of only three Air Divisions would have only like 100-200 planes, i.e. less than a Division would have previous Summer and would be merely an equivalent of a German Geschwader. Whereas an Air Army in 1944-1945 would be a rather big formation with hundreds of planes.
So you should never use unit's "title" blindly to estimate its size without knowing the period and (preferably) the actual composition.

Best regards