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Дата 09.06.2022 16:04:43 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Армия; ВВС; Версия для печати

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>>The cruise missile has roughly a half dozen socket attachment points that permit data to move through the heat shield.
>Какие-то разъемы которые обеспечивают передачу данных через тепловой экран? Что все это значит?

Написан врагами, а потому интересный.

Ничего особого этот экран не представляет. Обычная теплозащита. Авторы ее потрогали своими руками:
The 9M727 cruise missile – fired from the Iskander-K – is an example of one of Russia’s most
advanced weapons systems, able to manoeuvre at low altitude to a target and strike with
considerable precision. In order to achieve this the missile must carry a computer able to
ingest data from various inertial and active sensors and command links and translate these into
instructions to manipulate the missile’s control surfaces. The authors physically inspected one
of these computers recovered from a crashed 9M727 during fieldwork in April. This computer
is roughly the size of an A4 sheet of paper and sits inside a heat shield able to withstand the
pressure as the missile accelerates and the heat that engulfs the system. The computer must
be remarkably robust, its components able to continue to function even as the structure
around it is warped by temperature changes. This requires highly specialised materials and
components. Of the seven socket attachment points allowing data to be moved through the
heat shield, one is of Soviet-era design and manufactured in Russia. The remaining six are all
products of US companies. The rails connecting the circuit boards to the computer housing,
which must maintain the alignment of the components under immense forces, are similarly of
US manufacture. The circuit boards themselves are sourced from the US.

Может они и перепутали чего (я конструктив этой ракеты не видел своими глазами, другой аналогичной по смыслу видел), но ничего необычного они не описали.

Там же есть фотки импортных компонент в комплексе РЭБ "Борисоглебск-2". Его захватили что ли? Или шпионаж? Факт шпионажа признается в тексте:
the Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics within the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted an examination of communications architectures in Russian military vehicles including for the Il-76 transport aircraft. In this aircraft’s communications suite alone it identified 80 components that could not be replaced with manufactured parts in Russia.68

68 - Report of the IRE obtained by the Ukrainian intelligence community and shared with the authors during fieldwork, April 2022.

Вообще, судя по реакции большой (не бОльшей, но большой) части РАН на войну, эта контора и ее работники могут конкретно так довыделываться. Фиг поможет эмиграция, просто не дадут.

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