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Дата 07.04.2017 16:05:16 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 11-19 век; Флот; Версия для печати

Re: у VLADIMIRа...

>>День добрый.
>>>После Гонолулу - нет. Я же говорю, мы сами привели союзников в наши воды.
>>А еще привели к Свеаборгу, Коле, Соловкам. Союзники так и так нанесли бы удар.
>Тут вопрос, что первичнее - крейсера или наши поселения. С учетом того, что самое вкусное (Ситка) атаковать нельзя.
>А вообще однозначно ответить на этот вопрос могут только инструкции Адмиралтейства Прайсу. Пожалуй, постараюсь их найти.

In the late summer of 1853 Rear Admiral David Price was appointed Commander–in–Chief, Pacific Station. It seemed likely to prove a pleasant finale in exotic surroundings to a career which had started with promise, but had slowed largely due to the long term effects of very serious battle wounds. His most recent seagoing command had ended in 1838 and his last significant employment had been as Superintendent of Sheerness Dockyard.

His perspective changed drastically when news of the outbreak of war with Russia filtered through to his temporary base port at Callao, Peru in early May 1854. Orders from the Admiralty were included — to locate, shadow and if possible capture or destroy the Russian squadron which was known to be loose in the Pacific. The British in particular feared the damage it might inflict on their trade with China, and the threat of invasion to Hong Kong and Australia. The problem was — where was it? Rumours were rife — strongly supported rumour that it had anchored off Singapore sent shivers down spines in British India. Although the ability of the Russians to mount an effective invasion so far removed from their home base at Petropavlovsk was severely doubted.


То есть, как я и предполагал, первичны все-таки крейсера, а не наши поселения на Чукотке и Дальнем Востоке.

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