От Bokarev Alexandr Ответить на сообщение
К Вулкан
Дата 07.04.2017 18:19:03 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 11-19 век; Флот; Версия для печати

Re: у VLADIMIRа...

>His perspective changed drastically when news of the outbreak of war with Russia filtered through to his temporary base port at Callao, Peru in early May 1854. Orders from the Admiralty were included — to locate, shadow and if possible capture or destroy the Russian squadron which was known to be loose in the Pacific. The British in particular feared the damage it might inflict on their trade with China, and the threat of invasion to Hong Kong and Australia. The problem was — where was it? Rumours were rife — strongly supported rumour that it had anchored off Singapore sent shivers down spines in British India. Although the ability of the Russians to mount an effective invasion so far removed from their home base at Petropavlovsk was severely doubted.

> http://cwrs.russianwar.co.uk/cwrs-R-jbarham-chapter05.html
Источник, конечно, английский, но в целом вторичный, пересказ какого-то материала, неясной адекватности.
Поскольку чуть выше по тексту история героического подвига кэптэна Лайонса, победившего recently strongly fortified bastion под названием Kola.

>То есть, как я и предполагал, первичны все-таки крейсера, а не наши поселения на Чукотке и Дальнем Востоке.

>Ром, плеть и содомия - вот и все традиции Королевского флота